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Skyrim Forgotten City Best Ending


The Forgotten City is a choice-based narrative experience that transports players to a mysterious Roman city 2000 years in the past, and tasks them with solving its ancient mysteries. Like a lot of dialogue-heavy games, it features multiple endings.

skyrim forgotten city best ending

While there are many outcomes to experience there is only one 'canon' ending, and even it has its own variations. This guide will cover how to get the best ending in The Forgotten City and unlock "The Canon Ending" and "The Oracle" Trophies/Achievements. There are some slight spoilers ahead, but the exact contents of the best ending will not be revealed.

Building to this point will take a lot of exploring and chatting. This means getting the best ending will take players a long time to beat The Forgotten City, compared to achieving its three alternate endings.

The longest stretch of gameplay players will encounter while trying to get the best ending is the task to collect all four plaques. Thankfully, the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and Mystery plaques stay in the inventory once obtained. This means players only need to find them once during a single playthrough, making it one of the reasons The Forgotten City really gets time loops right.

This is the easiest ending to achieve, as all it requires is to cause a paradox in the simplest possible way: Killing Sentius. See, if Sentius is dead, then he can't open the portal, and you'd never be able to go into the past to begin with. If you have spoken to him before, he will attempt to dissuade you when you aim a bow at him. Ignore him, and put an arrow (or bullet) right between his eyes. In a flash of bright light, you will be teleported out of the city.

The ending marked as ending one in the achievements is the worst possible ending in the game, since you save nobody from The Golden Rule. After finding Sentilla and having her reveal Sentius's dirty laundry, you can go back up to the city. However, this time you must head straight to Sentius's villa and kill him. If you chose to play as a soldier, you can use your gun to do this; otherwise, use the Bow.

Once you kill him a time paradox occurs, and you're sent back to your time. Not only do the citizens of the city have a bad ending, but you do too. Al Worth derides you for killing a man without remorse and condemning the two of you to a horrible fate. This is true, because this ending does not allow you to see Charon, who is the only person able to return you to the land of the living. So technically, you and Al are stuck there forever.

Unlike the previous ending, this ending only sees you and Sentilla escape the city. To get this ending, you do not ask Sentilla about gathering the others, but instead immediately set her free. This triggers Sentius's appearance, where he reveals that he was the one who caused Al Worth's suicide as well as began the time loop. As Sentius shows off in a classic, villain-like way, allow Sentilla to kill him, or you can do that with the Golden Bow.

In this ending, you will find the missing Sentilla who is locked in the cistern, where she'll unmask Sentius's sins. You can get the key to the upper cistern after helping Galerius get elected or simply barge through the lower cistern door beneath Malleolus's villa. But instead of freeing her, there's the dialogue option to ask her if it's possible to save the others as well. Once you do that, return to the city and start another time loop.

Arguably the best ending you can get in the game, it isn't refered to as the canon ending for nothing. The Great Temple overlooking the entire city is locked until you find all the necessary plaques to insert into the obelisk. Then, you'll be confronted with a series of doors. By looking at the statues and their outfits, you'll understand that you'd have to speak all the God of the Underworld's names in a specific order: Pluto; Hades; Osiris; Nergal. Once you have unlocked the doors, you'll be granted entry to meet with the infamous Pluto, God of the Underworld himself. There are two ways this can go down.

The next ending requires gaining access to the upper part of the Cistern. There are two methods to this. The most direct is to show the wooden bow to Desius in the Forum. He will unlock the Shrine of Diana and hand over a fake Golden Bow. Use this fake to replace it with the real one, equip it, and then fire at the hornet nest hanging above to turn it into solid gold. Now, head through the entire Palace dungeon and back out to the city. Enter the lower part of the Cistern near the Villas, and use the Golden Bow to turn the upper leaves into gold; climb up to the top section.

While this is the best ending in Forgotten City, it can further change depending on the current fate of various characters, like Fabia and Ulpius, along with their dissipation towards the main character.

"After the game's finished, I'd really love to be able to just empty all this stuff out of my brain and get some inspiration from something new," he says. But the time loop of The Forgotten City might not be closed forever. "I don't want to give too much away, there is definitely potential for a sequel. If you get the best ending, it could lead naturally to a second game. But it really depends on what kind of feedback we get. If people want more of this then we'll do it. If they just want a new, crazy big story, then that's what we'll do."

The Forgotten City is an award-winning, critically acclaimed expansion mod offering a unique 6 - 8 hour experience: a murder mystery investigation set in an ancient underground city. You'll need to solve it using your wits, and the ability to travel through time. It has a dark, non-linear story in which you'll interrogate suspects, explore the city and its many secrets, and navigate challenging moral dilemmas. It features multiple endings, an original orchestral score, and professionally voiced dialogue.

I finally got the true ending! :D This is the best mod I've ever played, it felt as polished as the original game and the story was fantastic! (Though getting into the palace was a bit of a guide-dangit moment, I had to watch a video of someone else doing it after about an hour of frustration).

you get the best ending by: talking the dwarf guy down in the ruins to stop the dwarves law, dont tell him about the jarls crime, mention to him that you comited a crime(because thats the firs thing i did, i stole sh*t :P) he doesnt really care and understands, tell him that he needs to stop this, that he is comiting genocide over and over again, hell think abou it and fix everything, everyone exept the evil jarl will survive and the city will be rejuvinated the sky will open up and bish bash bosh youre the hero :D (P.S. quicksave in case youre speechcraft f*s up or you say something bad and activate the apocalypse). Ur welcome :)P.S. all the armor piece locations, one of them is behind a shut gate in the abandoned palace, just climb on the stacked up cofins to get on the top pipe and get over the gate, the boots are inside the house of brenon or smth like that its by the tavern, the other you get by killing rykas looting the chest piece and then traveling through time again to create a paradox and the last one is on the burned body on the way down into the ruin with the radiation and stuff.

Honestly, one of the best 'add-on mods' out there (add-on mod meaning adding a new area to the game). Confusing as f*ck at first and failing the mission multiple times was required for me to finish it. I played through multiple times with multiple endings and I STILL did not explore every area that I could have. It felt like DLC more than a mod. Over an amazing mod/DLC and my friend played lots of voice acting roles, check out his channel Nomad81810/10 Dooley is a babe

If I had to sum up the best parts of this game, it would be all about the talking and the puzzle solving. Figuring out problems through the use of a time loop is really fun, and even more so once you have the rules of the game all figured out. Every resident in The Forgotten City has specific tasks they carry out, but they are not based on time but rather triggers, which all fall on the player to discover. In a way, the game is a very small sandbox you can play with until you figure things out. Besides dying or getting an ending, there is no other fail state, so long as you can loop back to when you started.

@themightyant I'm glad you enjoyed the game so much and I'm very flattered to be quoted! To be fair, tunic is an absolutely amazing game and I totally get that once that game gets its hooks into you, the only thing you want to do is squeeze your cute little fox face into every nook and cranny in that world and play nothing else!! For forgotten city, it's a bit of a long video but a youtube documentary channel called noclip did a great interview with the guy who wrote the original mod about how he got started and left his job to be an indie game dev. Did you try out immortality this month? It comes with some pretty heavy content warnings that mean it's not for everyone but if none of them are an issue for you, it's also a real cracker of a story! 2ff7e9595c


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